“0731”是长沙的区号,也是这座城市跳跃着的生动符号。近年来,长沙用她的宾至如归向世界展示开放的诚意,不仅成为吸引游客无数的网红城市,也是许多在华外国友人的心仪之选。“0731长沙日”,在长沙生活、工作、学习的外国友人纷纷表白长沙,听听他们是怎么说的。"0731" is the area code of Changsha, and also a vibrant symbol of this city. In recent years, Changsha has demonstrated its sincerity and openness to the world by making visitors feel at home. It has not only turned into an internet-famous destination that attracts countless tourists but also become a place where many foreigners in China first choose to settle down. On the "0731 Changsha Day", foreign friends who live, work, or study in Changsha expressed their affection for this city in turns. Let' s listen to what they have to say. “长沙不论是环境、文化还是人才资源,都对于科研活动的进行非常有益。”尼日利亚籍湖南大学教授来长沙6年,如今,他已经把家安在岳麓山下。他说,在长沙做科研是一件特别幸福的事,与有创意、有干劲的学生一起“攻关”,让他觉得充满活力。"The environment, the culture around, and the people are actually much more peaceful to carry out the research activity in Changsha," said Balogun Muhammad Sadeeq Adetunji. This Nigerian professor at Hunan University, who has been in Changsha for six years, now lives with his family at the foot of Yuelu Mountain. He said that conducting scientific research in Changsha was an especially delightful thing. It always makes him feel full of vitality when he works with ingenious and energetic students to overcome difficulties. 同样被长沙科研氛围吸引的还有来自也门的荷西。“在这里,我能更自由地进行实验研究。”提起长沙在科研创新方面的政策支持,荷西赞不绝口。The peaceful environment of conducting research in Changsha also attracts Zain Bariq from Yemen. "I can find more freedom here to conduct my research," he commented positively on the support by Changsha’s policies for the scientific research innovation. 在追求事业发展之外,荷西也为长沙独特的历史文化与闲适的生活节奏所倾倒。在求学期间,他就曾不下十次走进岳麓书院参观学习,深深感动于千年文脉的绵延不绝。Besides focusing on career development, Zain is fond of Changsha' s distinctive historical culture and laid-back lifestyle. During his study period, he visited Yuelu Academy more than ten times and was profoundly touched by the continuous inheritance of the thousand-year-old cultural education. 印度女孩Zeba爱长沙,不仅因为长沙丰富的文化底蕴和自然美景,还因为在这里未来可期。For Zeba Khanam from India, she loves Changsha because of its rich cultural heritage and natural scenic beauty, as well as its bright future. 来自塞拉利昂的马克龙则独爱长沙的臭豆腐,各种口味都是他的心头好。Malcolm Karoma, a youth from Sierra Leone, expresses his favor for the stinky tofu of Changsha. He likes all the kind of version of this food. 给习近平主席写信的埃塞俄比亚姑娘汉娜多次来长沙,在她心中,长沙是“有创意的、创新的、多姿多彩的”。Hannah Gatechew, who corresponded with President Xi, has visited Changsha many times. In her view, Changsha is creative, innovative, and colorful. 长沙人的友好不仅让汉娜印象深刻,也成为美国人Denis(夏士理)向亲朋好友推荐长沙的重要理由,“我想向他们介绍的不是长沙的事物或者景点,而是长沙人。”他说:“当你开始了解长沙人,你就不会想要离开这座城市。”The hospitable Changsha people not only impress Hannah a lot but also become an important reason for Denis Nurmela to recommend the city to his family and friends. "The number one thing I would introduce to them is not what or where, but who (the Changsha people), " Denis noted. "When you get to know the people, you’re not gonna want to leave," he added. 或是美食,或是风景,或是人情……不同肤色、不同国籍的异乡客们总能在长沙找到自己一见钟情的理由。Maybe because of the delicious food, the beautiful scenery, or the hospitable people..., foreigners with different skin colors from different countries can always find reasons to fall in love with Changsha at first sight.